QLQ à l’écran

httpv://youtu.be/qPhHsqbRIag Moving On: Why Quebecers are saying adieu CTV Montreal News – Nov 7, 2013 ___________________________________________ httpv://www.youtu.be/9JOI0ERObck Est-ce que vous seriez prêt à quitter le Québec ? Face-à-Face:Stéphane Gendron...
New High-Quality Free Fonts

New High-Quality Free Fonts

Every now and then, we look around, select fresh free high-quality fonts and present them to you in a brief overview. The choice is enormous, so the time you need to find them is usually time you should be investing in your projects. We search for them and find them...
The Neglected Necessities Of Design

The Neglected Necessities Of Design

Right now is an exciting time to be in the Web design community. Every month we seem to stumble on a new thought-provoking way to put our expanding tool set to use for our clients and the patrons of the Web. Many designers are chomping at the bit to litter their...
Slick UI elements

Slick UI elements

Hello World! Welcome to Freebies Booth – best place to get free design resources! Enjoy and spread the word! Our very first file – resizable, vector UI elements for both light and dark interfaces. It contains buttons (normal + hover), slider, progress bar and...
Designing For Android Tablets

Designing For Android Tablets

More than ever, designers are being asked to create experiences for a variety of mobile devices. As tablet adoption increases and we move into the post-PC world, companies will compete for users’ attention with the quality of their experience. Designing successful...